About Me

Self Portrait Illustration
Self Portrait, Illustration

Tall, Brown, Funny, Groovy, Creative, Artist, Mom.

Birth name: Kimberly
Nickname: Gomi
Current Occupation: Artist, Teacher

Kimberly Luft
Multimedia Artist

I’m a Jacksonville-based artist / illustrator and photographer. You’ve heard artists say this before, and it is one of those universal truths: I’ve always been an artist. It’s inherent to who I am.

I want to connect to the people who are interested in my work, who will share my work, who wish to share in my personal growth and success as an artist:

You can contact me via messages in bottles, thrown into the nearest body of water. Or email: Gomiworld.Art@gmail.com

I really do accept gifts, donations, Guinness, coffee, and Guinness.

Again, thank you for taking the time to get to know me and my work.